Eraser Bot for SGI ------------------ [ Fri Nov 13 12:25:14 PST 1998 ] 1. Files: README.Eraser -- the Eraser Bot Readme file... README.ToDo -- the Eraser Bot ToDo list... README.irix -- this file... -- the IRIX library for Eraser Bot [ compiled to work with IRIX 6.2 and above ] 2. What's New?: 11.13.98 - fixed route file read/write routines for SGI... 10.28.98 - initial beta release... [ route file problems ] 3. Known Problems: 1. none?? - if you find a problem, send me email ( with a detailed description of the problem... 4. Installation: This is only a partial release of Eraser Bot. You'll need to download the full linux release of Eraser Bot in order to get the configuration and support files needed to run Eraser Bot. Install the linux release into your quake2/ directory. This should create a new directory called eraser/ which will contain the configuration and support files needed to run Eraser Bot. Copy the SGI Eraser Bot library,, into this new quake2/eraser directory. You should read the README.Eraser file to find out more about configuring and running Eraser Bot... 5. Running: ./quake2 +set game eraser this will invoke quake2 with the Eraser Bot library and then you can use the Console Commands to load a map and then launch some bots to keep you company... [ see README.Eraser for the Eraser Bot specific console commands ] 6. Links: - the Eraser Bot home page... - the Eraser Bot Setup Guide... - the SGI Quake home page... - Quake2 maps... - Quake2 Console Commands... -- Richard Hess