File-Type Rules for Enhancing your Desktop

Including a Max patch FTR as an example

Here's a little goodie , hopefully interesting in itself, but also designed to pique your interest in enhancing and customizing your desktop for audio & computer-music applications. This is a very simple file-type rule (FTR) for Max patches. An FTR tells the desktop how to deal with a given type of file:

There's no "magic" to these FTR's that you can't use yourself as an end-user or developer. Check out the FTR man page, where we describe how these work, and, for much more interesting FTR's than the one I enclose here, check out the FTR's that ship with the system; these are in /usr/lib/filetype/system. The audio, MIDI, and MOD file rules are in and (these links will only work if you're on an IRIX >= 5.X SGI machine, sorry).

As people make audio & music applications available, whether public-domain or commercial, it would be nice to see FTR's for the applications and their data files, so that when the user installs the app, it's integrated into his/her desktop.

Anyway, here's how to install and use this extra "goodie." I've set it up as a tar file, which should de-archive into your /usr/lib/filetype/install directory (where third-party application FTR's should go). Most of these operations want you to be root .

  1. Extract the tar file. It's compressed.

    uncompress max_icon.tar.Z
    tar xvlf max_icon.tar

    This should extract into /usr/lib/filetype/install.
  2. Re-compile the file-type rules.

    cd /usr/lib/filetype
  3. (you don't need to be root to do this) Restart your desktop.

    /usr/lib/desktop/telldesktop quit
    fm -rlb &
Now your desktop will recognize Max patches, and if you double click on them, it will bring up Max with that patch (if you have it installed -- talk to Vincent Puig ( for more information on getting Max for the SGI).

If anyone has any enhancements or interesting file type rules, please share them with the rest of us!

Doug Scott